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Chapter 428 settles power
Xin Ren and dead Wei is clearly plentiful, through no longer be paid attention to.That this the astral enemy of another life who by luck rise be also been in one side by the Liang.No one cares them.
The ancient Ya of mountain peak and orchid aroma is those people.Facial expression is heavy, all saw the extraordinary place of that evil thing, in the heart be suffused with to have a misgiving profoundly.
Until that kind of kinds of strong fire burning go into action together, cover for that evil thing at in fierce chain, make the body of that evil thing gradually melt, they just in mind secretly breath a sigh of relief.
This chain woulds be for three days and three nights.
The ground is fire, three flavor fires in the true fire, sky, three kinds of fires blaze of all of the strength display to open and infuse to note an evil thing body over there up, ground fire and three flavor true fire to melt the body of that evil thing, once the evil thing changes into a smoke, fire in the sky also starts producing result right away and change that evil thing for of smoke incineration.
Isn't only this, Ji vast sky for keeping the soul of evil thing from escaping, even display soul songs in the town of purgatory ghost clan to open, the strength of soul song in the town and the strength of fire in the sky goes into action together and exclusively aims at those flames that spread to overflow.
Under the function of these strength, once the smoke of evil thing appear and then and thoroughly eliminate Min in the whole world, always can not come together.Doesn't stop for three days and three nights.All of the strength being all come together.Be for exclusively dealing with the unusual living creature body that is come out for lane by him up.
Finally, at his gold dint with various strange Ao strength left for under, that evil thing thoroughly of the disappearance disappear, in the ancient nine become unique in, he dided not feel in the evil thing body again as well of breathing.Ground fire, three flavor fires in the true fire, sky disappear in succession, soul song in the town of purgatory ghost clan also re- takes back, by this time, the Ji vast sky sudden brain feels some to faint, the body also felt extremely exhausted, the dollar dint seems exhaustion.
Various strength of body, significant fall, he some control not to live ancient nine become unique, those a mountain peaks that suspend in the sky, gradually have some to escape from his to control.
In the heart a surprised, unwillingly come together the strength leaving, several mountain peaks, bomb however next press, such as nine celestial spirits hammers are general.The hammer shot is in the Lu in sky, die alliance those Human body up.
Several mountain peaks continue to constantly bombard down, even if is a sky, Lu host and dead alliance leader of alliance, also accept to can not stand, the body Ga Zhi explodes ring.Blood crosscurrent in.
The world vitality on the sea Lan mainland, inflow ancient nine become the speed in the unique gradually deceleration, ancient nine become unique have no the strength in Ji's vast sky body again of infuse to note, the power continuously weakens.
The leader of alliance of Lu host in the sky and dead alliance , under severely wounded, looked for an opportunity, strong line of go out in the nose method conflict, Lu host in the sky die alliance leader of alliance, they are from the dead the star area get of the absolute being soldier present with all strength.One flies shuttle, one is pale of crosier.
Fly shuttle to have no hard not Cui, halt at the driving of Lu host in sky under, evil light Yi Yi, there is kind tearing to pieces blue sky, the ancient old strength of the Huang make world heavy to return Hong, at fly the impact of shuttle under, ancient nine become unique on of defense, finally broke open together very small blind side.
Dead alliance leader of alliance that pale of crosier, for an instant curl up sea Lan inside the mainland must the dint of the dead soul in year come together, last must of the dead soul fly high since then and come together pale the power skill at that front, push open the blind side that the Lu host in sky tear to pieces.
Take Ji vast sky the strength is dried up, Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance, there are also 23 superiors of their troopses, from that blind side one Shan but die, not and desperately escape toward the space turbulent flow area of sea Lan mainland.
Person in the sky, the blood of those Human bodies is splashing, obviously get hurt to weigh very much.
The Ji vast sky didn't chase, he stood on that mountain peak on, strong line of adjust collectively inside of strength, will constitute ancient nine become a mountain peak of cutting off to return.The strength that makes use of the surplus in the body.The difference spreads out those mountain peaks and re- return they are at the sea Lan the all directions of the mainland.
For a long time and for a long time after.
The sky resumes pure clear, the clean moonlight re-appears blue sky, all suspend in the cloud and mist of Feng, all afresh at a group of islands on fall in, 99811 hearts come together into 9.Fly Yi to come over from the distance, at Ji vast sky center of palm of hand in disappear to disappear.
The sky in the sea Lan mainland, leaves to suspend in the cloud and mist, air the ancient persons, such as Ya and orchid aroma...etc. of the surprised Cha.
The enemy coming to make, the death and harm is miserably heavy, severals escaping to go out are also all body negative severely wounded, in a short time.The Lu in the sky and dead alliance will can not be a threat to some general situation dint of the sun star area any further.
On a clouds Ao however stand, the Ji vast sky facial expression is pale, one is dignified.
At just.In that ancient nine become the unique thoroughly disappears to disappear of time, he seems the unfamiliar breathing of realizing a weak pole, a moment in strategies dissipation, took advantage of an opportunity to silently slip away, however.Cautiously respond, the but again have nothing at all discovers, this lets his heart living a vigilance, unclearly invite invite some uneasy.
He is worried about the breathing of that weak pole, come from the evil thing of that magic, if really is his, problem some severity.
He trieds to respond.All of the remenant soul strength are released, but a have no acquisition.
In this time, thou Ya, orchid aroma, fierce hate for a sky, a group of people, up come over from moreover a clouds, include some superiors of store to still have the gold net three bare-headeds of the mountain, these people arrived a this place together.
The guys that come from astral another life haven't come over and then thank in succession, thank he in the most decisive time of make moves, appreciate that he saved their lives.
"The grandfather, Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance still escaped."Ji vast sky once the light tone sigh, " for dealing with that evil thing, I consumed too many strength, the end still can not control those to let Feng.The strength that doesn't is enough props up, ancient nine became unique to still keep peeping out flaw."
The juncture in end, he still has an opportunity Lu host in the sky, die alliance leader of alliance those guys put~to death to kill"man, if he uses strength to put~to death to kill for a sk, the Lu hangs person and dead 彧 Lang luckily, to take to carry on the back Kan son a method control ancient nine become unique, that mountain peak will put~to death the time of killing those people at hi and fall to drop down from the bank of clouds.
99811 mountain peaks, if bomb however hit down, the group of islands of the sea Lan mainland periphery.The disaster might suffer to drown, have to have a thousands sky of private drive those mountain peak to bomb to kill.
Because the spectacular sight on the sky presents, sea Lan many private's superiors of the mainland, an all at underneath look up at, the mountain peak quickly drops down, those people basically avoid not to drop, ten have**drive moment second kill.
"Although Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance escaped,short time is affirmative hard to continue to do evil things everywhere.We want ~only careful, be for a while whole to put together the strength here, pouring needs not worries too much, either the ancient Bang is cool to smile, soft track:"What you did enough like, have no you, this time sea Lan many person of same beliefs of the mainland, affirmative hard survive till now
"BE ah.Have no you, we this time affirmation doomed
"Luckily your helping hand, otherwise, the result is so terrible we dares not thinks about it."
"Later valley of Xuan Yuan is what is up.Though order, we definitely and with all one's heart, as long as can attain of, absolutely can't decline!"
"Want to be not, we also unite to put together.With your Xuan Yuan Ma Shou in the valley is to look forward?"
Momentary, those come from the astral guy of another life, all become the allegiance of the valley of Xuan Yuan support and adore, for prevent°froming for a sky, Lu, die the alliance stage a comeback, they have to depend on under a great power and only have like this just can keep intact oneself.
Arrived now, these people saw out the valley of Xuan Yuan naturally of pre-eminent, a so big sun star area, have who can make Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance so distress?
If isn't that evil thing to stir a bureau, perhaps host money in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance, have already all died, in the strange!Store and gold net mountain also has already flown a flower.Although is also one of the sun star area eight big strong influenceses, but and one ratio in the valley of Xuan Yuan in present, that margin isn't general big.
After realizing these, they a to the Ji vast sky a group of people nod admire waist, flatter ground to try to please, fearing the valley of Xuan Yuan will refuse their good intentionses.
Appearance Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance didn't die and still greatly had an advantage and had no these 2s to threaten at, these guy affirmation isn't so honest, sneer at in the Ji vast sky heart.The face is last but cool like water, slowly nod, way:"You have this viewpoint really is a matter is 1 luckily.I miss us if can really solidify unanimously, arrive to also really be not afraid of Lu in a sky and dead alliance."
For a while, he again cold hum a way:"Lu host in the sky and the dead alliance leader of alliance severely wounded that I can beat at present but escape.Not afraid they stage a comeback.At my place in the valley of Xuan Yuan, as long as Lu in the sky and dead alliance these dare to come, I will let they to must walk not to get
If at previous he speaks so some kind of words, these people's affirming will laugh at him to overestimate the own ability.But now, all of those people a s are full faces heap to smile to nod and connect a track:"That BE, that BE
"Go to island to ascend to discuss it later the old woman of store, smiling face extrude a to twist separately, one face entreaty the ground looking at Ji vast sky.
After this war, the old woman doesn't dare to is treated as small generation he any further, there is ability put~toing death to kill for a sky, Lu the person of the host and dead alliance leader of alliance, at the sun star area sooner or later is most for the Nova of attention, particularly is Lu host in sky and dead alliance leader of alliance didn't°yet drive before killing, beat a good relation with him, that affirmation is right.
"Also funny smile, the Ji vast sky nods approval.
In a short while effort, public emergence's argument matter in store big palace inside, this fights all occurrence the mainland is at the sea Lan of sky, on the aery island although take place the whole world upside down variety, can the store is placed in of the aery island center is still safe and sound, didn't be subjected to too great influence.
The argument matter in store big palace takes Ji vast sky as center after sitting down, a public is wearing a smile to looking at him.Consult his opinion, ask him preparation underneath how do.
"We want to return to the valley of Xuan Yuan, in a short time, didn't intend to advertise for to fight everywhere, I the all of the Xuan Yuan valley space turbulent flow areas ruin to go and have no my to lead, no man can be got into with meat body, so I don't worry for a sky, Lu, die the alliance distinctly invade certainly.They are true if come, I was also not afraid."
Consumedly the ground sit where, the Ji vast sky has no intentionally in a low-key way, say with smile:"Each, you at least have a period of time can be good good rest, because of Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance.Before the condition of the injury didn't resume, affirmation can't continue to revolt.However, wait their condition of the injury good.That was difficult to say, "
"Ji young master, that" do you say that we can avoid a head in the valley of Xuan Yuan?"
"BE ah, Ji young master.If we go to the valley of Xuan Yuan, everyone comes together together, should need not be worried about those people's arrival, make concerted effort so as to are afraid those."
"Who know for a sky, Lu host and dead alliance the leader of alliance when can resume, resume early in case of them, affirmation will seek us to revenge, we didn't dare to return to
"Ji young master, let us go five lines of mainlands together with you, trust, we at five lines of mainland certain law-abiding, you say how to do, how do we then do."
Come from the astral superior of another life, because still keep having to deeply fear to the Lu in sky and dead alliance in the heart, unbearable so suggest.The old woman of store.There is also that orchid aroma and big baldheaded, hesitated for a while.The facial expression that also peeps out to move, a looking at Ji vast sky and seems to be all to have heart temporarily to avoid a head in the valley of Xuan Yuan.
"You can also space turbulent flow the area ruin of the Di gram speaks to remind.
"But we return not to go now one person has mercy on the way of Xi Xi."Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance stays strong knot at sea Lan the space turbulent flow area of the mainland
"BE ah, we are hard the mainland leave from the sea Lan, once Lu host in the sky and the dead alliance leader of alliance instauration.Their affirmation will come to sea Lan first mainland."Let us temporary avoid a period of time to the valley of Xuan Yuan, then, wait dispute to quell, Ji young master again send back we our mainland, good?.
These people are beaten afraid, have none of houses to dare back now.
BE publically entreating under, the Ji vast sky noodles exposes a difficult color, "five lines of mainland dollar dint thin and diluted and not equal to sea Lan mainland, the mainland of probably still not equal to your place, also have, we five lines of mainlands Be just a small place, I fear you will not habit, moreover, I the valley of Xuan Yuan is also more simple and crude, probably you
"It doesn't matter!As long as canning pass by, how didn't relate to".
"Ji young master, the generation of our self-discipline.Don't pay attention to as well what, can there is a way out woulding be greatly luckily, still have there what request".
"Everyone comes together in the valley of Xuan Yuan and negotiates for a while and deals with for a sky well, Lu, die greatly accounting of the alliance, soon will these two greatly threaten obviation is a proper business.Play otherwise, our having a house doesn't dare back as well."
The Ji vast sky is wrinkly eyebrows, hard listen to their beg, know that they are to really fear, pretended cautiously consider some kind of, he just one encourage difficult head in the location for it, way:"Is all right, if you insist, I am naturally all right, we add up aggregate and seek to deal with their ways and pour is necessary
"That" our store, temporarily also wanted to avoid in the past.Ji"Ji young master, do you see?.Suppressing is very long-term, the old woman of store finally unbearable.The old face is full to is embarrassed, the Nie Nie Ru Ru way.
"Is all right, come then come, although the valley of Xuan Yuan isn't big, as long as you don't abandon, we still welcome to laugh behind one's back in the Ji vast sky heart of everybody.In all seriousness way.
"For removing a Lu in the sky and dead alliance, we also the past is dint."The big light of gold net mountain, the head, hesitated for a while, then one face sense of right ground say, imitating the Buddha is to die for principle similar.
False!It was in mind low to scold 1.Ji vast sky face ascend then the heap is full smiling face, repeatedly way:"Thus, we true jollification in the valley of Xuan Yuan.Ha ha!"
The valley of Xuan Yuan become the star of the sun star area each big life comes together of the ground of center, if can carry out this target, will have a tremendous advantage to the valley of Xuan Yuan, could not do it before of a lot of affairs.He can attain.
On the star of another life, it are five lines of mainlands to have no to have all of many self-discipline materials of oddities.If the valley of Xuan Yuan became the ground of the astral gathering of each big life, that various self-discipline resourceses that come from the sun star area, then will appear in the valley of Xuan Yuan.
That time, the self-discipline in the valley of Xuan Yuan, will definitely occupy tremendous advantage, become the whole sun star area to experience the most wide self-discipline.This wishes once carrying out, the valley of Xuan Yuan definitely be able to ten sky privates of square appear!
This is before he come to sea Lan mainland, in mind dozen good plan, at present circumstances just according to his intention fore enter, secretly happy in the Ji vast sky heart, start and these people negotiate a detail, allow the stores to prepare for a while and prepare some resourceses that the next of kin still have to take appropriate.
Sea Lan mainland, the space turbulent flow area cannon
The Lu host in the sky, dead alliance leader of alliance still has the superior whom a few whole body bloods sprinkle Li, arriving to of distress pole here, arrive here after.The facial expression of these people is pale, such as the mendicant is general.
They absolutely could not imagine, awe-inspiring from get into here of they, will return under this circumstance.
Come of time, their superior is like cloud.A vitality absolute being all in the territory of horizontal Feng, want to leave now, the superior is dead greater half, return everyone to take wound at present.The complexion is in low spirits.
The Lu in the sky and dead alliance is the sun star the area go to strong two general situation dintses and had been walking sideways in the sun star area don't hate.Lead of place, the everyone swears allegiance, indocile then drive they nowise show consideration of uproot.
Lu in the sky and the superior of dead alliance, at the sun, moon on of time, that is afraidly and very the person to appear in public a star, only on hearing that their person came, the everyone escapes everywhere and fear be rounded by them to kill.
At present, these two general situation dints, but come to one thus distress territory ground, these are all what anyones have never thoughted of.
Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance, in this space turbulent flow area.Cost well long a period of time.Come together all of the remenant strengths to display.Just force knot boundary that establish their come down to tear to pieces an indentation.
After the knot boundary is opened, Lu host's facial expression in the sky more pale, die alliance of the ghost of leader of alliance, if destroy candle in the breeze, float suddenly and uncertain, imitate a Buddha at any time all will drive breeze to blow to put out generally, much distress have much distress.
"I am this whole life, have never been like generally distress lead today, Ji vast sky, I remembered you".Lu host in the sky, smiling face mask under of eyes, rear a ray of light with general snake to come out.Gnash teeth in hatred way.
"He is to make use of strategies to win victory, next time, we as long as don't get into strategies, then can't be subjected to influence".The dead alliance leader of alliance ghost floats suddenly.Slowly way:"I will make use of Mi method instauration, can not play how long, I then will kill back.The sea Lan is mainland, five lines of mainlands.I want to become his You ghost field.Don't stay one to live a person!"
Words, the person of Lu in the sky, dead alliance , under the signaling hinted of leader, drilled to go into a space turbulent flow together area in,beats by dre uk.
Lu host's last in sky.Get into, while copying to disappear in the space turbulent flow area, but the others didn't notice to weird breathing, also along with get into.
At his disappear in the space turbulent flow Ai way in the area after death"
Just the last day, the monthly ticket remembered hurl to me, thank!
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