
google t inland river wharf

In a short while walk to below the hills, one person of road also has no, I see a stone stairs, along the stone stairs goes up.
The summit of hill is more spacious than wanting of imagination, top breeze very strong, a wooden Gang building signs in the summit of hill and up have two sentinels with a stand machine gun.My title is like top sweat way:"Brothers, can I go up and see?"
The person of top in fact and early saw me, an among those shouted a way to me:"Is senior clerk Wang?Come up and carefully order!"
I followed a wood steps to climb up, the top was that one is small*platform, a heavy machine gun settles in one to revolve up, underneath heap write the two greatest boxes play.Side there is a big search-light that equally can revolve, there are also a few wood chairs.
Two camouflage take brothers to smile to looking at me, 1 says:"I am Li Chen, once saw you in the restaurant in the morning, I was to cruise squad in the island long, senior clerk Wang, hear you and our eldest brother come out together of, there is opportunity helping me in elder brother Wei's in front the United States talking severals."Say to pass a smoke, order for me last.
Beat in my mouth ha ha, lie prone on the wood railing to every where the 瞭 hope, is the tallest place of whole islandses here, every where see go,Facebook, boundless one extensive ocean, again visited this island, every where inside scatter more than ten big military watch towers, also have a few such of wood Gang building, the defense seeing to the whole island is solid if strongly fortified city.
I ask a way:"Totally have on the island how many brotherses?"
Li Chen answer way:"Only this guard on the island contains more than 150 persons, the underground factory still has more than 30 workers, on the island also these people."
"!Like, here very cold, I next go to!"Finish saying I kept on climbing.
I am on the island turn leisurely a morning, don't see not to know, on seeing get a fright, this island is whole to is a big fort, size clearly the dark military watch tower is several ten, a few wharves still establish artillery fortress.The whole inner part of island is empty, is interiorly contacted all military watch towers by the tunnel.
I go to military officer dining room and have a meal alone and also disappear Zhang Wei at noon, I now what full brain think is I how get away from here, he this island frightenned a person too much!
I trapped in the afternoon, a person lay in the room to go to bed.
In the evening, Zhang Wei arrives at my room and mysteriously says to me:"Slept for a while noon, now spirit, walk, we go to Wu Song Kou!Start work, I could not endure again!"
I sparse inside carelessly with Zhang Wei the ship is the ship that sent us on the island the day before yesterday.The machine ship soon drove to leave that inland river wharf and drove to go into ocean.
The supper that we on a ship eat, Zhang Wei says:"Red flag's helping has already prepared to start, but the pass has male to thought of that I will go ashore in this time!We definitely come to for them to frightened this time pleased, let him know that our sea helps badly!"
We are in depending midnight Wu Song Kou's wharf, Zhang Wei totally took ten brotherses to go ashore, two brotherses from move the next big wood box on board.We waited in a short while, two bread cars scorched to come over.
After getting on the car, Zhang Wei says:"Go to blue dream!"
The blue dream is Wu Song Kou's a night club, seeing to here is Zhang Wei's a base.We go in in a Cape door of on the side and directly ascended the second floor, in have a few brotherses to come out, Zhang Wei says:"Hou seven which go to?"
A brothers answer way:"Return to elder brother Wei, seven elder brothers are on the first floor hall to shout and have a to cause trouble for small red guy."
Zhang Wei says:"Mama of, Lao Tze's site dares to also cause trouble!Stand down and see!"Finish saying to make a few brotherses lift that big box to a room an inside, I still have with Zhang Wei 56 brotherses to follow and then descend from the stairs go to.
The first floor is a hall, magnificent of, there is singer on the front small satge being singing on stage "night Shanghai", a line of misses does the thigh dance of Broadway in the on the stage.
The person of underneath is a lot of, have of in the dancing, have of sit in the sofa to hug young lady's flirtation.
At close to buffet in the doorway there, rounded a group of persons, because of the spot music voice very big, can not hear clearly there at noisy what.
Zhang Wei swayed arm path to go straight past, I follow close behind at his after death.
Two brotherses come forward separately crowd of rounding the view, I impressively see, does the other party falsely is elder brother Xiang who closes to have male under charge for the guy of head?In his opposite, a sharp mouth monkey the brothers of the Sai is pointing at elder brother Xiang's nose to call way:"You***do not act hysterically and refuse to see reason urine to shine on as well!Here is what boundary son?!Sign the horse rolls for me to go to, I incognizant what red seven help, black eight help!"
Zhang Wei humed a , hands an embrace a boxing way:"Elder brother Xiang, so quick we touched again!"
",google!Elder brother Wei came!Do you know each other?"That sharp mouth monkey the guy of the Sai toward Zhang Wei to nod to admire waist ground to say.
"Hou seven!This is elder brother Xiang, don't get impoliteness, come, ask elder brother Xiang to go upstairs!"The side body of Zhang Wei Yi stretched hand to do an action for pleasing.Elder brother Xiang's after death two brotherses suddenly pulled out pistol to aim at Zhang Wei at this time.
Zhang Wei Hei's Hey a say with smile:"Elder brother Xiang, you have the field that the courage tramples me the son, has no courage to go up with me?"
Elder brother Xiang also Hey Hey a smile to say:"Is your elder brother Wei's field son here?Execuse me, I also really don't know, to, you at postpone to celebrate the little elder brother leaves without a word there, the eldest brother isn't very happy, the son at the right moment met with now, you still first return to see eldest brother with me!"Saying to stretch hand will pull out a gun!
Once I watched for opportunity to come and went up also not speech, start to fly one feet, malicious Chuai on elder brother Xiang's belly, elder brother Xiang one bottom sits at ground up, haven't waited circumferential person to respond to come over, I have already hurtled up a feet step at elder brother Xiang's neck up, the under charge way of by hand an elder brother Xiang:"All let go of a gun for me!"
Didn't will thought of me so quickly, controled situation for an instant.A few brothers Lengs of the other party are over there, Zhang Wei Yi puts a hand, Hou seven go up and then descended their gun.Elder brother Xiang totally took four under charges, whole be controled by Zhang Wei's brothers.
Zhang Wei to Hou seven say:"Take a person to go out and see, they outside have to ambush a person!"
I stretch hand to pull elder brother Xiang and touched out his gun first, is a chase a left round pistol, I pulled to shoot for a while and pointed on his head to say:"Elder brother Xiang leaves!"
A group of people is escorted into the pack in a KTV of upstairs, just on going in, Zhang Wei Yi's feet kicked elder brother Xiang to turn over in the ground, Zhang Wei Hei's Hey was cold to say with a smile:"Elder brother Xiang, this just several good heavenses, you turn to my hand inside!Come, give me hello!"
Hou seven and a few under charges are eager to the performance is in front of elder brother Wei and hurtle up Pa in the Mao a boxing feet, elder brother Xiang and a few of his brotherses all are tipped over in the ground, the weapon and the certificate, and cellular phone...etc. on the body are all searched out.
"All tie up for me!"Zhang Wei order way.Elder brother Xiang and his under charge are tied up hands and double feet with the adhesive tape right away, end even mouth and eyes are all tied up ascend.I know that like this tying up mouth with the adhesive tape is a very dangerous piece affair, carelessly even tie up noses last, the person is very quick and then will suffocate but die.
I looking at to throw in a heap of cellular phone on the sofa, though only five people, but search 12 cellular phones!This is the underworld member's one of the sign, we everybody all at least want to prepare two cellular phones at ordinary times, at this time most at least of safety promise, one is what inner part urgently contact or list line contact is used, one is public, used for and organize outside of friend or open the contact of identity,cnn.
I pretend to sit down, simultaneously have intention to not intentional the ground move back and forth those cellular phones.Zhang Wei passes by to draw back the bag on the elder brother Xiang's mouth and lowers the head to say to him:"Elder brother Xiang, you fall inside in my hand, you keep on living now of several rates are almost zero!Is understand?But, you as long as telling me, the pass has a male plan how deal with me, probably I will stay your[one] way out!"
I seized an opportunity to pack into a cellular phone trousers Dou.
At this time, a brothers panic nervous piece pushes door to come in and says:"Elder brother Wei!Not good!The person whom the red flag helps hurtled into hall!"Just finished saying and then heard the underneath spreading a few guns to ring.
Hou seven pulled out pistol to hurtle to go out, Zhang Wei scolded a Related articles:

